We don't currrently have very many frequently asked questions. Why don't you ask some? click here
Why can't I create my list?
How do I make my list votable?
Why can't I make my list votable?
How do I edit my list?
How is the list score/rank determined?
What is the difference between Current Score and Fixed Score
Question: Why can't I make a list of X things instead of 10?
Answer: Because this is topTENtopTEN.com this is a website about 10. We might at lists of more/less than ten things later, but for now its 10.
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Question: Why top ten top ten?
Answer: It's the top ten top ten lists. The top ten top ten lists of the entire site appear on the homepage and the top ten top ten lists of each category is listed on the corresponding category page.
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List Making
Question: Why can't I create my list?
Answer: First check if a list of the same name already exists. If not, then please contact us so that we can look into it: https://toptentopten.com/about/contact
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Question: How do I make my list votable?
Answer: After you hit the "Create List" button, you are taken to the Choose Category page. You'll be asked "Make this list votable?", just check the "yes" button next to it. If you have already created the list, then you can make your list votable by editing the list and click the "Enable Voting" button.
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Question: Why can't I make my list votable?
Answer: Lists that reference a data source and include a Source Name or Source Url cannot be made votable. This is to preserve the original list. This might change, but for now this is how it's set.
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Question: How do I edit my list?
Answer: First go to your list, then click the "Edit List" link that appears below the List Stats bar.
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Question: How is the list score/rank determined?
Answer: The score and rank of a list is determined by people's interaction with your list including views, comments, votes, and sharing. The more of it, the higher the score. The algorithm is simple, but top secret. There is a decay on the score, so over time it will decrease if people stop interacting with it.
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Question: What is the difference between Current Score and Fixed Score
Answer: Current Score is the score of the list at that moment. The Fixed Score is the score at the end of the previous day and is what determines the list's rank for today. We update the list rankings at the end of every day.
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Question: What does voting do?
Answer: For votable lists, when you click "Vote on this list!" you are taken to the drag and drop voting page. From there you can arrange the list items in the order you think it should be and add new items that should be there. When you click "vote", your votes are given to each list item, and their rank will change based on the community's opinion.
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Question: How do I add a list item that should be on the list?
Answer: Click the "Vote on this list!" button to get to the voting page. Form there you can add an item by entering it into the text fields under "Add new item".
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