the top pets if you are stuck on what to buy for your child.
the top pets if you are stuck on what to buy for your child.

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Created 06/05/13
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hamsters are super cute and the only bad thing is that they are nocturnal(night creatures) and make a bit of noise. They are really easy to tame and become really attached to there owners. they are funny and a bit mischievous. I have one and he is a bit scared but still affectionate to me. I've had three and are all very sweet. I would recommend a girl cause they are easier in a lot of ways but boys are good to. Syrians are all I've had but they get a bit big. I love them.

leopard gecko
They are gorgeous pets and guess what... they have no teeth so they can not bite. They are recommended first time lizard owners pet. they eat crickets and mealworms mainly live. they love being held and are not very fast so they wont escape. they are expensive but make amazing pets. I have one and he is amazingly friendly, my friends love him.
fish are not a hard pets to care for but they are good for younger children cause they only need to be fed every 2-3 days. They are funny and come in many colours.there are not many things I can say but they are good.

rabbits are very good pets they love the attention you give them. they very rarely bite and if they do its for a good reason. I have one and he is 5yrs old and still loving. he nibbles the plants so we've built him a run and he is as good as gold.
older dog or cat
older dogs and cats are good cause you can rescue them and give them a good life.
they like a little walk and attention but apart from that they are easy to care for. kids love them and they are like an extra child but better, ha ha!
they are smelly but very clean as well. they can bite but tend not to if tamed. they are good and learn easy. watch the video.
they are very chatty birds but love there owner to bits. they can get attached to other people to. they are best brought from a breeder cause they are prettier and tamer there. my nan has one and he is cute he likes to nibble you're finger very gently.
guniea pig
they are very vocal and very cute they are so friendly and also can be kept out or indoors.i have never had one but people say there amzing an you can teach them tricks. I love them cause there like rabbits.
hermit crab
I don't know much about these but apparently they are good pets so im sorry but I cant tell you?

apparently they are good but again I don't know.
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