Whether you're looking forward to a match-up between the two No.1 teams of their divisions, watching the Seahawks get stomped, or figuring out how the Pats are going to cheat this year. This Super Bowl will have a little something for everyone, even for those of us coming just for the entertainment.
Whether you're looking forward to a match-up between the two No.1 teams of their divisions, watching the Seahawks get stomped, or figuring out how the Pats a... more

less stats more stats122.19
Rank (best ever) 5
Score (all time) 832.00
Created 01/21/15
Views 782
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Legacy in the Works
Tom Brady and Belichick are both looking for their fourth superbowl wins and becoming tied for most superbowl titles in NFL history for their respective positions.
Cheating allegation will fly
The Pats are notorious for "cheating" and the Seahawks only have Pete Carroll to look to for inspiriation. This super-bowl is sure to be full of cloak-and-dagger espionage.
Seahawks going for a repeat
Back-to-back superbowl champs? As a personal Niner fan, I hope not.
Katy Perry is our Half-time show
Every year it seems like something goes wrong during the half-time show. Last year, the bird was slipped to the camera, before that the infamous wardrobe malfunction. This year I'm really hoping for something to happen as Katy Perry takes the stage.
Brady and Sherman say hello again
These teams haven't seen each other in over two years. Be sure to listen for field interviews with Sherman and Brady for some game time banter or it'll continue on in the twittersphere.

More and longer risque ads
The ads this year will be longer than they have been in the past, CBS sold more 60-90 time slots this year than last. And I'm sure that advertisers will continue to push the enevelope for how risque they can make commercials in the US this season.

Brandon Browner playing with the Hawks again.
Pats fans should hope that Browner knows which side his bread is buttered on. He's going to be seeing his former teammates during the Super Bowl after they dropped him when he picked up a four game suspension.
Russell Wilson
He only seems to get better when pair up against stellar matches. Wilson does a great job of playing up to the level of his competition with a .750 win percentage over the last three years.
Both were the No.1 team from their divisions.
It's going to be a blowout. People are going to say that Seattle and Green Bay was the real Superbowl game. It will definetly be hard to follow up that Sunday performance.
Idina Menzel will sing the National Anthem
I just hope she remembers that she is singing the National Anthem and not "Let it Go". Listening to the National Anthem being sung during the Superbowl is an interesting place for some prop betting if you're interested as well.
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