We asked experts in their fields to submit to Spend Less TV (https://spendlesstv.com) their top money-saving tip. Here are the tips they submitted...
We asked experts in their fields to submit to Spend Less TV (https://spendlesstv.com) their top money-saving tip. Here are the tips they submitted...

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Rank (best ever) 2
Score (all time) 7986.00
Created 08/11/09
Views 7928
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Budget! It's not very sexy advice but man it works. Start by looking at the little picture by tracking what you spend for one month. Separate your expenses into categories and multiply each by 12 to get a feel for your yearly spending. Woa! It's a little out of hand, no? If you feel overwhelmed, search out a budgeting system that fits your needs. I have my own budgeting system that I advocate, but my philosophy is that everyone has different needs so no one budget is one size fits all. You can link to my budgeting approach at: https://is.gd/2cc9z
Julia Scott -- BargainBabe.com . . . . . . . . . . . . https://bargainbabe.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . https://bargainbabela.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Julia Scott is founder of BargainBabe.com, a blog where she helps readers save money on everyday expenses like groceries, household bills, meals out, travel, and more; and of BargainBabeLA.com that focus’ on deals local to Los Angeles, where she lives. After writing about saving money for more than two years as a reporter at the LA Daily News and at BargainBabe.com, Julia has become a real savvy cheapskate.Dion Lim is a weekday morning anchor at KMBC, the ABC affiliate in Kansas City. Dion's love of bargains started at the tender age of 10, when she tried to pass for 6 to get a free ticket to the history museum. She's a former eBay Powerseller and writes the blog,"Dion's Daily Deal".
"Never leave free money on the table—whether it’s a cup of coffee, or employer-match on a 401K.
June Walbert -- USAA Financial Planner . . https://tinyurl.com/lbnt3m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June Walbert is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner with USAA Financial Planning Services. June helps families get financially fit by sharing practical financial guidance on topics such as tackling credit card debt, budgeting and planning for retirement. June's advice has appeared in U.S. News & World Report, USA Today, The New York Times, The Washington Post, SmartMoney.com, MSNBC.com and Forbes.com. She writes a weekly advice column, "Ask June" on military.com and can be heard on ArmyWifeTalkRadio.com.I'm a SAHM married mom of 3.living in the Midwest saving money and using coupons has always been a part of my life.
Swap before you shop to save a bundle. Between the resurgence in hip and cool clothing swaps, like those we run through The Swapaholics, and all the popular swap websites like Zwaggle, Swaptree, and Freecycle, there's no reason to fork over your plastic before putting your purchasing intentions out there to these networks of like-minded bargain hunters. It's not just for secondhand, either -- more often than not, you'll find items that are brand new, with their tags still on or still in their original packaging, but for a fraction of the retail price. You'll be amazed what will come your way, often for free, if you just make your needs known. (I recently got a 10' IKEA bookcase, an oversized armchair, a Cuisinart coffeepot and a cocktail dress this way -- all free!)
Melissa Massello -- Shoestring Magazine https://www.shoestringmag.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melissa Massello is a lifelong bargainista and the founder / editor in chief of Shoestring Magazine, a new national magazine helping people save money and save the planet at the same time. Melissa has worked in all aspects of media -- as a daily newspaper reporter, magazine columnist, book editor, and editorial director to several websites -- and wholeheartedly embraces the Internet as God's gift to the resourceful.Julia Scott is founder of BargainBabe.com, a blog where she helps readers save money on everyday expenses like groceries, household bills, meals out, travel, and more; and of BargainBabeLA.com that focus’ on deals local to Los Angeles, where she lives. After writing about saving money for more than two years as a reporter at the LA Daily News and at BargainBabe.com, Julia has become a real savvy cheapskate.
I shop online a LOT. (C'mon, I live in Kansas City. We're lacking some major retailers if you get my drift!) Paying for shipping is a pet peeve of mine. Why should I pay $10 for shipping a shirt that costs $20? Then add sales tax? Forget about it! Check sites like RetailMeNot.com or even Google search: "Free Shipping" and the retailer you're buying from -- 9 times out of 10, there's a free shipping code, in addition to a discount code you can use. Combine that with online rebate sites like Ebates.com that give you 2%-10% or more cash back just for shopping, and you can score some serious bargains.
Dion Lim -- KMBC Morning Anchor, and Dion'sDailyDeal.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . https://www.kmbc.com/station/13787057/detail.html https://dionsdailydeal.wordpress.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dion Lim is a weekday morning anchor at KMBC, the ABC affiliate in Kansas City. Dion's love of bargains started at the tender age of 10, when she tried to pass for 6 to get a free ticket to the history museum. She's a former eBay Powerseller and writes the blog,"Dion's Daily Deal".June Walbert is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner with USAA Financial Planning Services. June helps families get financially fit by sharing practical financial guidance on topics such as tackling credit card debt, budgeting and planning for retirement. June's advice has appeared in U.S. News & World Report, USA Today, The New York Times, The Washington Post, SmartMoney.com, MSNBC.com and Forbes.com. She writes a weekly advice column, "Ask June" on military.com and can be heard on ArmyWifeTalkRadio.com.
Check online with your local newspaper they have great coupons for the stores in your area.
Midwest Mom -- Mom Blogger . . . . . . . . . . https://blindfaith73.wordpress.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . https://hmm-sweet-splendid-wisdom.com . . . . . . . . . . . Midwest Mom is a Stay-at-Home married mom of 3 living in the Midwest. In her blog, MidwestMom, she writes about family life with kids, how to have fun for less, and gives product reviews. She also partners in another blog, Hmmm Sweet Splendid Wisdom. Saving money and using coupons has always been a part of her life.Melissa Massello is a lifelong bargainista and the founder / editor in chief of Shoestring Magazine, a new national magazine helping people save money and save the planet at the same time. Melissa has worked in all aspects of media -- as a daily newspaper reporter, magazine columnist, book editor, and editorial director to several websites -- and wholeheartedly embraces the Internet as God's gift to the resourceful.
It's hard *not* to shop when there's a "Use your store card and save 20 percent!" offer on the table. It also feels silly to leave your credit cards at home when all the cutest wallets have slots for at *least* 15 cards. Still, if you're a former fellow shopaholic, it will be better for your finances if you clear out of your wallet all but one card (and use that one only for emergencies!). Mine are frozen in a block of ice next to a stack of burritos in my freezer—for real! If you truly love something enough to run home, get your credit card, and go back for it, then by all means buy it! I've found that, by the time I get home, I usually realize the object in question isn't worth the effort…and all of those “non-purchases” add up to real savings.
Kimberly Fusaro -- Little Miss Fortune https://www.glamour.com/sex-love-life/blogs/little-miss-fortune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kimberly Fusaro is a freelance journalist in Brooklyn, New York, who writes Glamour magazine's daily personal-finance blog, Little Miss Fortune. Born and raised in Rhode Island, she should be a sensible, frugal New Englander — but she isn’t, and this gives her a unique understanding of personal finance challenges. Her hobbies include navigating city streets in four-inch heels, stalking the vintage shops on Etsy, and searching for fashion gold at Forever 21. She is a diehard fan of cherry ChapStick and the Boston Red Sox. Jesse Hartman was 21, two months out of college and had just charged $50,000 on 14 credit cards to start a business. The business failed, and he was told by a financial planner to declare bankruptcy or spend eight years scrimping to pay off his debts. He made his own plan and in a few short years enjoyed vacationing in South America, purchased a home, and was debt free. Jesse has spent almost 10 years in residential property management, is a published author, and professional speaker. He has dedicated his life to helping others find greater fulfillment and financial well-being.
The best way to save money while shopping for that must-have outfit (or for anything else, for that matter) is to have a plan and don't wait until the last minute! Flip through the pages of your favorite magazines for inspiration and search around online or in stores to find the look for less. Celebrity Looks for Less is proof that if you take the time to search, you can easily put together the look you want for a lot less than the designer originals...and that goes for interior design, re- modeling, and furniture as well as fashion
Jennifer Leale -- Celebrity Looks For Less https://celebritylooksforless.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jennifer Leale is the fashion editor for Celebrity Looks for Less, a website that features celebrity, stylist, and designer label fashions, and then shows how to put that look together for less; it's like having your own personal shopper. They offer new daily fashion finds of celebrity styles for less, plus sales and promo codes. Garen Daly, aka: The Frugal Yankee, uses the internet, web podcasts, and radio to entertain and inform. From saving money on groceries to thrifty, fun vacations, from home repairs on a shoestring to keeping the old car running, The Frugal Yankee's got it covered. Daly also explores New England's emerging entrepreneurial businesses, trends in consumer finance, and daily pressing issues. Garen is a regular on NE Cable News' GOOD MORNING LIVE and on New Hampshire Public Radio. He has been on WBUR's "On Point", WRKO's "Daytime divas show, and WRNI (Providence), and INSIDE TRACK on WTKK radio.
Buy USED books instead of new ones, and use the LIBRARY for even further savings where you can also get videos, music, toys, games, and even computer access, and all for free!
TopTenTopTen -- The Top Ten Best in List Form https://toptentopten.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . toptentopten.com is the home of the most passionate top ten list loving community on the planet...they should know a good tip when they see one!toptentopten.com is the home of the most passionate top ten list loving community on the planet...they should know a good tip when they see one!
I have spent many years in residential property management and can attest that there are tens of thousands of people living RENT FREE in each and every city across the United States – by being apartment managers. All you have to do is find small companies with buildings of about 50 units or less. The apartment manager must wear a lot of hats: show units when they become available, do some cleaning, take care of resident issues, and be the main point of contact between residents and owner. Most people I have met doing this had full time jobs and did this in their spare time a few hours a week. What a great investment, a few hours a week for a free place to live! What would you do with an extra $12,000 per year?
Jesse Hartman -- Dreams Unlimited https://dreamsunlimited.org . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jesse Hartman was 21, two months out of college and had just charged $50,000 on 14 credit cards to start a business. The business failed, and he was told by a financial planner to declare bankruptcy or spend eight years scrimping to pay off his debts. He made his own plan and in a few short years enjoyed vacationing in South America, purchased a home, and was debt free. Jesse has spent almost 10 years in residential property management, is a published author, and professional speaker. He has dedicated his life to helping others find greater fulfillment and financial well-being.
Your refrigerator is one of your home's biggest electricity users, so it’s important to keep it working efficiently. Here are a few tips for the fridge: ~Test the seal by closing the door on a dollar bill. The gasket should hold the dollar tight. If it slides right out, it’s time to have the door seal serviced. ~Two or three times a year, pull the fridge out from the wall and vacuum the coils in back. Dust is a drag on efficiency. ~Surprisingly, a full refrigerator or freezer is easier to cool than an empty one. So, if there’s not much stocked in the freezer or fridge, put in a couple of jugs of water. The condenser won’t have to work so hard, and if the power goes out, things will stay cold much longer... AND...you'll always have chilled water to drink!
Garen Daly -- The Frugal Yankee . . . . . . . . . https://frugalyankee.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Garen Daly, together with Louise Reilly Sacco, created the website, The Frugal Yankee, with the tag: Enjoying Life, Spending Less. They use the internet, web podcasts, and radio to entertain and inform. From saving money on groceries to thrifty, fun vacations, from home repairs on a shoestring to keeping the old car running, The Frugal Yankee's got it covered. They also explore New England's emerging entrepreneurial businesses, trends in consumer finance, and daily pressing issues. Garen is a regular on NE Cable News' GOOD MORNING LIVE and on New Hampshire Public Radio. He has been on WBUR's "On Point", WRKO's "Daytime divas show, and WRNI (Providence), and INSIDE TRACK on WTKK radio.
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