Urban Dictionary defines a Wigger as: A male Caucasian, usually born and raised in the suburbs that displays a strong desire to emulate African American Hip Hop culture and style through
Urban Dictionary defines a Wigger as: A male Caucasian, usually born and raised in the suburbs that displays a strong desire to emulate African American Hip ... more

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Rank (best ever) 12
Score (all time) 21973.00
Created 11/13/08
Views 21801
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Vanilla Ice
Of the same era as Marky Mark, Vanilla Ice took Wiggerdom to new heights. "Ice Ice Baby" was the second rap single to ever be #1 on the billboard charts. He brought mainstream appeal to the Wigger movement, although back in the day it was high tops and lightning bolts cut into the hair.

Flip from White Boyz
If you haven't seen this movie, NetFlix it if you embrace the Wigger Nation. Not only does this movie totally kick ace, Flip is quintessential Wigger. Although totally misguided, he makes it all work.
Jason Williams
aka White Chocolate, which is the best Wigger nickname ever, is a real Wigger. That is defined by that fact that Jason cannot turn off the Wigger act and become a regular white guy, or pretend not to crave 40s or fried chicken.
Marky Mark
A reformed Wigger. Rumor has it that Mark Wahlberg refuses to discuss his history as Marky Mark. The Funky Bunch actually had a couple Black members making him more of a legitimate corporate record label manicured Wigger.
Paul Wall
Along with Eminem and Jason Williams, Paul Wall is a real Wigger. Real Wiggers seem to be very much accepted by the Black community which is especially apparent when this Grillz maker walks into the neighborhoods he does.

If his life was anything like 8 Mile, Eminem grew up Wigger, not that a runaway father and an alcoholic mother didn't help.
Possibly an international Wigger, this Rasta style spitting one-hit wonder allowed white people to also infultrate the Carribean culture. First Christopher Columbus, now this guy.

Ali G
This Wigger has runway dancing moves reminiscent of his stolen heritage of the Cabbage Patch, Running Man, and Roger Rabbit. Apparently this Wigger also poses as a gay Austrian and Creepy Kazakstanian.
Jamie Kennedy
Nobody is trying harder to be a Wigger than Jamie Kennedy. Not only did he get Malibu Most Wanted released, he followed that up with Blowin' Up on MTV. Even Wiggers hate Jamie Kennedy.
Seth Green
My high school track coach was a Black guy named Kenny Fisher, so I always thought it ironic that Seth Green personified him in Can't Hardly Wait. One funny Wigger.
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