Displaying entries 151 - 160 of 168 in total

Reasons my Toddler is Like a Dog
- 10. He smells
- 9. He's always dirty
- 8. He will eat anything off the floor
- Score: 0.79
- Comments

reasons animals leave the forest between 3 & 5
- 10. That's when monkeys hold their clan poo-toss.
- 9. That's when polar bears dunk for seal.
- 8. That's when lions grab a nap.
- Score: 0.74
- Comments

questions we are asked about our Goldendoodles
- 10. Are your Goldendoodles good with children?
- 9. Can we buy a Goldendoodle as a breeder?
- 8. Can we come over and look at your Goldendoodles?
- Score: 0.74
- Comments

reasons why kittens are better than babies
- 10. You only have to change a litter box once a day.
- 9. You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars for Christmas and birthdays.
- 8. No one will question your abilities to function normally at your job...
- Score: 0.69
- Comments

Pet Tips for the Holidays
- 10. Antifreeze: keep out of reach of children and pets. The sweet taste...
- 9. Give your pets their own holiday treats. Many people foods consumed...
- 8. Keep pets out of the freezing cold. Remove any snow, salt, or de-icing...
- Score: 0.67
- Comments

Reasons To Save Stu The Dog!
- 10. Stu needs us to demand a special board meeting by July 13 with favorable...
- 9. Stu has much support from all levels, placing him on the agenda of...
- 8. Stu has been a victim for the past 4 years of what amounts to severe...
- Score: 0.63
- Comments

Reasons "it" Crossed the Road
- 10. Chicken – this time she was leaving the rooster for good
- 9. Ant – just following everyone else
- 8. Worm – to beat the world record: one minute FLAT!
- Score: 0.62
- Comments
- Score: 0.55
- Comments

reasons dogs are incredible.
- 10. Playtime is anytime. Leave your stressful workday at the door.
- 9. Police K9 dog noses are so sensitive they are capable of detecting...
- 8. An environmentally friendly alternative to heating bills, dog will...
- Score: 0.45
- Comments