Welcome to the new year, the good folks over at Bungie were busy this holiday season and complied some stats on the most used guns in Destiny by Guardians over level 20 for the last two weeks.
Welcome to the new year, the good folks over at Bungie were busy this holiday season and complied some stats on the most used guns in Destiny by Guardians ov... more

less stats more stats17.55
Rank (best ever) 10
Score (all time) 516.00
Created 01/12/15
Views 466
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Vision of Confluence
Solar nightfalls will do a lot for bumping this weapon to the top of the primary list. It's a scout rifle with full auto, great accuracy, and deals solar damage. I think we're all set here.

So who else completed the Eris missions?

Despot SA/5
Alright already, not exotics, we're not seeing Truth, Gjallahorn, or SGA on this list, not with them being harder to come by for folks just looking for their first exotic weapon. I don't know about you, but I've had more trouble finding primary legendaries to my liking than heavy, but maybe that's just me.

Suros Regime
I'm still lusting after this beauty. Don't bother calling it the Regime, it's just simply called the Suros, they might as well have not made any other guns cause no one cares about them. It's the staple exotic in Crucible for PvP and is always being nerfed and rebuffed as it's just a housewrecker of a weapon.

Ice Breaker
This is the Black card of the sniper rifle world, if you have it, you don't leave home without it. Don't have any special ammo left? Equip it until fully charged. Pinned down and low on ammo? No you're not. Don't want to pop a synth while doing the Oracles? No worries. The Ice breaker has you covered.

Sultan SA/5
So I'm not going to argue with anyone that this is an amazing rocket launcher, cause it's not. But if you look over the time period that the stats were analyzed (end of December beginning of January) all the new level 20's are looking for their first Hezen Vengenance and One Way Ticket 000. This will get you over that initial hump though guaranteed.

The Stanger's Rifle
Much like our beloved Khvostov, this is everyone's reward for beating the story side of Destiny. It holds fond memories of our first forays through a strike list, and was left inside the Vault or stripped for weapon parts as soon as it became obsolete.

Black Hammer
The poor man's Icebreaker, that's what this is. Don't get me wrong, the White Nail perk makes this Velveeta when it comes to bosses. If you haven't used this against the Goliath Tank, you don't know what you're missing.

Hunger of Crota
Hmmm…Solar Rocket launcher, we've seen a lot of these but since it's legendary, doesn't take your exotic slot, and easier to get than a Gjallahorn, it's used more often.

Khvostov 7G-02
Really a bonus since there's only three weapon types and I had an extra slot to fill. But with the new kinderguardians making there way into the game this Christmas, it's everyone's first. Some of you still use it though at 32 just to screw with people on strikes and raids, you know who you are.
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