Mouth pain is never fun. Causes can be linked to either what you have eaten or to your oral health.
Mouth pain is never fun. Causes can be linked to either what you have eaten or to your oral health.

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Created 10/22/12
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It is a simple over-reaction of the immune system and an allergic reaction could involving: swelling and burns. People with allergies are often allergic to more than one substance. But it can be a real surprise for everybody.
Cold sore
It is a virus, caught by direct skin contact. The virus is passed on simply by kissing someone. It is rather common but some people aren't even aware that they carry the virus (no symptoms). a cold sore can manifest itself in various ways: ulcer in your mouth, little blister around the lips. There is also a tingling feel before it completely appears.

Gum disease
Swollen gums, bleeding when brushing your teeth is a sign. There is a hidden danger which could provoke blood clots, heart disease and even strokes. Oral hygiene is more important than people think and brushing twice daily is essential. People don't take dental care seriously because they almost see the bedtime and morning routine as something boring or just another task such as cleaning a flat or washing the dishes. More clearly nothing exciting but directly linked to their health and well being.
Refers to pain around the teeth or jaws primarily as a result of a dental condition. It can be temporary due to a simple cold. Or more permanent if related to a dental cavity, or cracked teeth. There are also various degrees of pains going from from chronic and mild to sharp and excruciating. . A thorough oral chek-up, which includes dental X-rays is then advisable.
Oral mucositis
If you feel something like a painful inflammation and ulceration of the lining of the mouth, you have got it! it usuallly occurs after chemotherapy. Using mouth wash will help to solve and reduce the severity of muscositis. Twice a day and you should feel things improving. Don't over do it as alcohol is part of the ingredients and consequently could sting your already inflamed mouth.
Oral thrush (or oral candida)
An infection usually appears as thick white or cream-colored deposits. Dry mouth will be part of the symptom. Treatment is straight forward: drops and gel.
Nerve pain
Associated with taste and sensory or even burning mouth syndrome: tingling, sore mouth, loss of taste. Remedy would be vitamin B intake but this could be a chronic pain. Consult your dentist for more information or advice.

Dental abscess
A dentist appointment is necessary as the pain will become worse. A untreated abscess could cause the loss of the affected teeth and complications could be serious.

Simply the dental pulp is inflamed. The sensitivity of your tooth will then be increased. The hot and cold feeling. Usually caused by decay. A reversible pulpitis is treared with a filling as a regular cavity. It the situation is irreversible then root canal procedure is required.
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