Tiger Woods is yet another victim of the historical trend of celebrity affairs. The magnitude of his popularity being the best golfer, arguably the best athlete of all time, and the enormous economic value of his brand. There have been a wide range of "Transgressions" in the world of sports, hollywood, politics, and more, here are the ten very best for now. History repeats itself, Tiger is not the first and not the last.
Tiger Woods is yet another victim of the historical trend of celebrity affairs. The magnitude of his popularity being the best golfer, arguably the best athl... more

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Created 12/04/09
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JFK and Marilyn Monroe
At the end of February 1962 the British actor Peter Lawford and his wife Pat - John F. Kennedy's sister - invited Marilyn Monroe to a dinner party in New York that was being held to honour the President. 'Jack' Kennedy loved Hollywood culture and celebrities, especially beautiful actresses, or, more specifically, beautiful blonde actresses - though he never tossed a brunette or redhead out of his bed either. Marilyn had actually met Kennedy twice before, once when their flirtatiousness was noticed by onlookers, but she did not have a chance to speak to him in depth. Dinner was at eight, but at 9pm Marilyn was still sitting in front of her dressing-table mirror, putting the finishing touches to her make-up. Notoriously late for everything, she was happy to keep the President of the United States waiting. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1209783/Madness-Marilyn-Monroe-The-affair-JFK-drug-crazed-paranoia.html

Bill Clinton
The Lewinsky scandal was a political sex scandal emerging from a sexual relationship between United States President Bill Clinton and a 22-year-old White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. The news of this extra-marital affair and the resulting investigation eventually led to the impeachment of President Clinton in 1998 by the U.S. House of Representatives and his subsequent acquittal on all impeachment charges (of perjury and obstruction of justice) in a 21-day Senate trial. In 1995, Monica Lewinsky, a graduate of Lewis & Clark College, was hired to work as an intern at the White House during Clinton's first term, and began a personal relationship with him later that year. As Lewinsky's relationship with Clinton became more distant and she left the White House to work at The Pentagon, Lewinsky confided details of her feelings and Clinton's behavior to her friend and Defense department co-worker Linda Tripp, who secretly recorded their telephone conversations. When Tripp discovered in January 1998 that Lewinsky had signed an affidavit in the Paula Jones case denying a relationship with Clinton, she delivered the tapes to Kenneth Starr, the Independent Counsel who was investigating Clinton on other matters, including the Whitewater scandal, Filegate, and Travelgate. During the grand jury testimony Clinton's responses were guarded, and he argued, "It depends on what the meaning of the word is is". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewinsky_scandal
Tiger Woods
It was a twist in the tale of the golf prodigy pretty much no one saw coming: a chain of events that dragged the previously pristine Woods into a downward spiral, starting with his Nov. 27 car crash at the foot of his Florida home and ending -- for the moment, anyway -- with him releasing a statement apologizing for his "transgressions" and vowing to be a better husband and father. "I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart," Woods said in a statement posted on his Web site Wednesday. "I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves." "I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect," he added. "I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone." Woods' statements came after Jamiee Grubbs, a cocktail waitress and reality TV star, told Us Weekly magazine that she had a nearly three-year affair with the golfer. Prior to Grubbs, Woods was romantically linked to club promoter Rachel Uchitel, who admitted to the New York Post that she and Woods met but denied that they had an affair. Late Wednesday, a possible third mistress stuck her head out of the sand: Las Vegas nightclub marketing manager Kalika Moquin told Life and Style magazine that she hooked up with Woods more than once. https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/tiger-woods-tops-list-sports-stars-fall-grace/story?id=9240643
Mick Jagger
Mick left his first wife, Bianca, for 22-year-old model Jerry in 1978; they had a son and daughter before marrying in 1990, then two more children, the last born in 1997. Less than a year and a half later, tabloids began reporting that Mick had gotten Luciana Morad, a 28-year-old Brazilian catwalker, pregnant. He'd always been a dog—People reported that just after Hall gave birth to their third child, in 1992, Mick was in Thailand shagging Carla Bruni, now the first lady of France. But Luciana's pregnancy was the last straw for Jerry, who filed for divorce only to find that their Hindu wedding on Bali was not recognized as legal in Britain. The marriage was annulled in 1999, with Jerry getting a settlement in the neighborhood of $10-15 million. Mick didn't marry his latest model. He was knighted in 2003 and bandmate Charlie Watts joked, "Anybody else would be lynched. 18 wives and 20 children and he's knighted. Fantastic!" https://www.yourtango.com/200927802/5-scandalous-celebrity-affairs?page=0%2C1
Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe
Meg and Dennis were a golden couple: He gave up coke for her, they married in 1991, and had a son, Jack, the next year. All was peachy (except for the occasional rumor of Dennis catting around), until Meg went to Ecuador to shoot Proof of Life in 2000. She and costar Russell Crowe, then separated from his longtime girlfriend and future wife Danielle Spencer, began an affair that hastened the end of her marriage to Quaid and sullied her girl-next-door image. https://www.yourtango.com/200927802/5-scandalous-celebrity-affairs?page=0%2C1
Jude Law
Super-star actor sleeps with the nanny: it seems like the worst cliché in the world, but that's exactly what Jude Law did when he was engaged to Sienna Miller in 2005. Naughty boy. But at least, unlike so many other stars with a wandering, ahem, eye, he actually admitted it. Law claimed he was 'deeply ashamed' and 'sincerely regretted' hurting Sienna – but the apology wasn't enough and the relationship never really recovered. https://www.marieclaire.co.uk/celebrity/best/10054/1/2/scandalous-celebrity-affairs.html
Elizabeth Taylor and Eddie Fisher
There was no one more famous than Elizabeth Taylor in the late '50s. She had been widowed in 1958; the husband she'd loved the most, producer Mike Todd, died when the plane named Lucky Liz, after his wife, crashed. Todd's best friend, singer Eddie Fisher, comforted Taylor in her grief, and as Eddie's daughter Carrie writes in her screamingly funny book Wishful Drinking, "He first dried her eyes with his handkerchief, then he consoled her with flowers, and he ultimately consoled her with his penis." Debbie Reynolds became the Jennifer Aniston of mid-century Hollywood, with outraged fans taking her side versus that trollop Elizabeth. Liz and Eddie were married in 1959, and split in 1964, when she dumped him for Richard Burton. Debbie and Liz, who had been close friends, reconciled years later and even mocked Fisher in the 2001 TV movie These Old Broads, which Carrie Fisher wrote. https://www.yourtango.com/200927802/5-scandalous-celebrity-affairs
Eliot Spitzer
Eliot Spitzer sounds like such a creepy trick. As New York attorney general, he actively and aggressively pursued anything related to prostitution. And he’s right in the thick of it himself! What a hypocrite. How dare he! It’s, like, the ultimate creepy thing. There were other creepy things, though: he didn’t want to wear condoms. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with keeping your socks on, and there are a lot of guys who don’t like to wear condoms, but if that’s the deal, that’s the deal. It’s so hard to deal with someone like that, who wants to argue every step of the way, and doesn’t want to make it fun. Let’s think of a perfectly easy way to have an albeit illegal, but a nice evening and a wild fun time, and do everything we can to ruin it and make it a miserable night. Maybe that’s the lawyer in him or something. I wouldn’t even have dealt with someone like Spitzer as a client. This is like a low-level escort service he’s dealing with. They had some cheap governor in there, so they said they were VIP. He’s in there along with a refrigerator repairman and a bartender at a local pub. Also, we had good nicknames. Like “Sack of Cash,” not like “Client No. 9.”
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Brad Pitt maintains he did not cheat on his ex-wife Jennifer Aniston, recently stating 'there was no dastardly affair', but the fact remains that he and Angelina Jolie started falling in love on the set of Mr and Mrs Smith – when he was still married to Jen. You can't help who you fall in love with – and Ange and Brad make a super-cute couple – but their relationship (particularly how it began) still manages to be one of the most talked about celebrity subjects – four years on. https://www.marieclaire.co.uk/celebrity/best/10054/1/0/scandalous-celebrity-affairs.html
David Beckham
Rebecca Loos - dubbed the 'sexy senorita' – sent the media into a frenzy in April 2004 when news of her alleged affair with David Beckham hit the headlines. Hired as Beckham's PA when he moved to Milan, the pair were caught out on a grainy mobile pic flirting outrageously and, she claims, they enjoyed extra-marital action. There were also reports of sexy text messages flying around, but Victoria brushed Loos off with a string of derogatory epithets, including 'tart' and 'lying cow'. (Pictures: Rex Features) https://www.marieclaire.co.uk/celebrity/best/10054/1/3/scandalous-celebrity-affairs.html
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