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THE TOP TEN Great Lawyers
It is obvious that a lawyer is more than just a little familiar with their area of the law. But it takes more than just knowing the information to make a great lawyer. The lawyer has to realize that they are working on the behalf of another and not try to make it personal. It is also very important that lawyers be able to communicate effectively with their clients as well as their colleagues. Communication is one of the most important aspects of being a lawyer as they must be able to communicate with a large audience on many different platforms. A good lawyer will also have an exceptional ability to be a good listener, not just a good talker. They should also be able to confidently reassure their clients about the cases. Clients need to feel like the one who is representing them is concerned about their cases, concerns and their hopes. Here are top ten great lawyers. For more legal articles please take a look at, https://netlz.corank.com/tech/all/cat/upcoming/law
It is obvious that a lawyer is more than just a little familiar with their area of the law. But it takes more than just knowing the information to make a gre... more
less stats more stats6.13
Rank (best ever) 11
Score (all time) 777.00
Created 05/18/12
Views 727
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Robert T. Szyba is an employment lawyer in NJ
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