For those who have found it necessary to speak with a lawyer on any type of legal matter, it may seem that they are speaking a foreign language because of all the legal terms that they use. For the layman or the private citizen who is basically unknowledgeable about legal matters it can make it very difficult to understand exactly what is going on in the courtroom, or with their case. There are some terms that you are likely to hear many times when discussing matters with lawyers. It helps to have a general knowledge of some of these more frequently used terms. We have compiled a list of the ten most used legal terms that clients may hear in any courtroom or lawyer office. Here is our list of the top ten legal terms. For more legal articles please take a look at,
For those who have found it necessary to speak with a lawyer on any type of legal matter, it may seem that they are speaking a foreign language because of al... more

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Pro Bono – a Latin term meaning “for the good” used to describe a lawyer’s services that are provided free of charge
Affidavit – a written statement of fact either sworn or affirmed by the person making it
Arraignment – a proceeding in a criminal case where the accused is brought before the court to enter a plea to the crime with which he/she is being charged
Subpoena – a command to appear at a specific time and place to give testimony in regard to a particular matter
Prima Facie – a Latin term meaning “at first sight”; used to describe a fact that is presumed true unless disproved by contrary evidence
Indictment – a formal accusation of a criminal offence having been committed by an accused(s) contained in a document filed with the court by the crown prosecutor
Appellant – person who takes an appeal of a decision of a court or other decisions making body
Injunction – an order of the court requiring a person to not do some act or not continue to do some act that the court considers they have no right to do
Probate – the determination of the court as to the validity of a will
Recognizance – a bail document signed by the accused stating the terms and conditions upon which the accused is being released.
[source: Employment Lawyer NJ ]
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