THE TOP TEN Lifestyle Changes for Happiness
Do you want a happier you this year? Here are the top 10 tips for lifestyle changes you can make this year.
Do you want a happier you this year? Here are the top 10 tips for lifestyle changes you can make this year.
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Created 01/07/15
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Volunteer your time
If you want to be a happier person this year, donate your time, of American's asked, those who stated they were very happy volunteered an average of 5.8 hours per month whereas those who stated they were unhappy volunteered an average of .6 hours per month.
Give more
If you don't want to donate your time, donate your money. Those who donate 10% reported that they experienced less depression than those who do not.
Get some culture in your life
This year make it a point to go to a show (not the movies), visit a museum, find a zoo. Getting out there and enjoying the arts and humanities will help you live a happier year this time around.
Get a pet
You want approval and a boost to your self-esteem? Get a dog, or a cat, or some other pet. More than 2/3rd's of homes in America have a pet and pet owners tend to be happier than they were before.
Be grateful
Write a thankyou note, be grateful, it will help you realize that you have more to be happy about than you might already know.
Think about the good times
Don't dwell on the bad times, look at your life-gone-by through rose-colored glasses. Remembering the past more fondly will help to increase your happiness in the now.
Have sex
What about sex wouldn't make you happy? It's like pizza, there isn't any bad pizza as long as you're having a slice.
Relax, let the good times roll
Happiness is like water, you can't seize it an hold it in your fist, you can only hold out both hands and cradle it. Nurse your happieness and it will stay with you, don't try and seize it by single-mindedly persuing it.
Exercise more this year
Doing a little workout every day can keep the post-workout glow going on all day long. You'll not only feel happier but you'll be mentally sharper as well, and that always makes me feel happy.
Find a hobby
You need to be free to create and persue a passion that is unrelated to your day-to-day grind. If it's relaxing and playing some video games with friends, brewing your own beer, or gardening, we all need a hobby that we can persue to stay sane.
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