THE TOP TEN Medical Blogs
There are times when we get hit with an unexpected pain or sustain an injury while going about a normal day. Perhaps the doctor has just given you a new diagnosis and you are not sure what types of symptoms you should expect. Doctors also prescribe new medications and it can be difficult to find out what types of side effects may be possible. These are just a few of the topics that can be contained in medical blogs. Sometimes it can help to just know what types of treatment options are available for a given condition. Blogs written by various health professionals can be invaluable in helping us find peace with our own bodies through which ever means are available. There are medical blogs that are related to specific conditions as well as some about general health topics and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle through activity and dieting. No matter what your health concern is there is likely a medical blog to cover the topic. Here are our top ten medical blogs. For more cool blogs check out,
There are times when we get hit with an unexpected pain or sustain an injury while going about a normal day. Perhaps the doctor has just given you a new diag... more
less stats more stats3.89
Rank (best ever) 18
Score (all time) 668.00
Created 04/22/12
Views 618
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3 This blog is dedicated to vascular health
5 This blog is all about Varicose veins and their treatment options.
The well respected Dr. Oz has The Ox blog to help inform readers about health and wellness issues.
To stay updated on the latest advances in heart disease check out writing by Westby G. Fisher, MD.
Daily Strength is an online support group that provides a wide variety of blogs written by doctors on popular health topics.
9 has a well rounded approach to informing readers about important health issues and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
10 is a blog that shares medical information to help keep patients informed of pertinent medical issues and treatment options.
[source: Medical Websites ]
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