I have sold paint retail for 14 years and all the same mistakes seem to apply when non-painters have problems painting. These are the most common 10 that I see. Remember, these are mistakes that are made with residential paints. Automotive and industrial paints have different properties and do not always have the problems I am describing here.
I have sold paint retail for 14 years and all the same mistakes seem to apply when non-painters have problems painting. These are the most common 10 that I s... more

Not using primer.
The best way to get paint to look its best and last its longest it to apply (at least one) coat of primer. Pretty much every problem that I have ever run into comes because no primer was used.
Using the wrong type of primer.
There are numerous kinds of Primer. Certain primer does not work good, if at all, on various surfaces. Reading the back of a can of primer for uses can be very handy.
Painting Latex based paint over Oil based paint.
Generally, Latex based paint will not stick to oil based paint. There are exceptions, of course, but most retail stores do not not carry this type of paint. If a latex paint is painted over an oil paint, there is a very good possibility that it will not bond and peel off very easily, very soon.
Thinking a "self-priming" paint will work as a top coat over any paint.
The new "Self-priming" paint label that some premium paints have is misleading. It still will not stick to oil based paint if it is latex. It genereally still needs 2 coats (or more), it will not stick to metal (again, if it is latex) and painting bare surfaces such as drywall or wood will still require at least 2 coats.
Applying an exterior paint too soon after rain, or heavy moisture.
A surface needs to be fairly dry for a paint to stick to it. Damp is OK, but dryer is better.
Using the wrong kind of roller or brush.
There are specific types of brushes for oil and latex paint. Using the wrong one can result in losing hairs on the brush, and streaky messes. There are also defferent 'nap' rollers. Use a tightly 'napped' one for smooth surfaces, and a loose one for rough surfaces
Applying too thick a coat of paint.
If paint is applied too thick, it can run, streak and dry unevenly. It can also crack when it is dry if it is applied too thickly.
Trying to cover a dark color with one coat of a lighter color.
Pretty much any drastic color change will need a prime coat. Going from a dark color to a light color is nearly impossible to cover with one coat of paint, even a premium paint. Dark red colors are the worst. There are specific types of primer for this type of color change.
Thinking that one coat of paint will be always work.
Two coats of paint are always recommended (After a prime coat is applied). It will give you a smoother, longer lasting, better looking finish.
Painting Latex based paint over metal
Latex based paint will not stick directly to metal. It may bond, but if it does, it can be peeled off very easily. There are latex based primers that can be applied directly to metal, but latex paint is generally a no no in this situation. Most oil based paint can be applied directly to metal and will grab on very tightly.
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