There are lots of famous people around the world. Sometimes it feels like they are a dime a dozen. For true star power we have to look towards the families that are famous. We have put together this list looking at the most famous families in the world, with some fictional families thrown in too.
Who do you think are going to be the famous families of the future that will leave dynasties behind them. Many couples are choosing to adopt or foster children which is really important and will hopefully create some of the most successful families of the future.
Who do you think are going to be the famous families of the future that will leave dynasties behind them. Many couples are choosing to adopt or foster children which is really important and will hopefully create some of the most successful families of the future.
There are lots of famous people around the world. Sometimes it feels like they are a dime a dozen. For true star power we have to look towards the families t... more


The Jacksons
One of the most famous families of all time. All singing, all dancing they really put today's reality show families to shame.
The Simpsons
Everyone's favourite yellow family, perhaps one of the most dysfunctional families but have made many of us laugh over the years.
The Kardashians
The queens of reality television at the moment, the Kardashians are everywhere and endorsing everything they can get their hands on. What are they famous for again?
The Rothschilds
Are a true power family. A European dynasty that grew to power through banking and finance. During the 1800s, when it was at its height, the family is believed to have possessed by far the largest private fortune in the world as well as by far the largest fortune in modern world history
The Hapsburgs
One of the most important royal houses in Europe. The Hapsburgs are best known for being an origin of all of the formally elected Holy Roman Emperors between 1438 and 1740, as well as rulers of the Austrian Empire and Spanish Empire and several other countries.
The Addams Family
The Addams Family sent chills up our spines in their films but we could all see that they would always stick together through thick and thin.
The Coppolas
Cinema royalty. Francis Ford Coppola created such greats as The Godfather and Apocalypse Now. His daughter Sophia created The Virgin Suicides and Lost in Translation. Nicolas Cage is a nephew of his and has been in some films also. A truly great modern day dynasty.
The Osmonds
The original all singing all dancing family act. Their pristine morals and sugar sweet songs had people fawning over them in their day.
The Baldwins
The Baldwin brothers have been in cinema for ages and have all managed to carve out a bit of space fro themselves. With Alec the oldest starring in the amazing comedy series 30 Rock he has truly found his character. A Hollywood family that has done well over the years.
The Kennedys
One of the most powerful US families of all time. The Kennedys were all about their politics and with this came tremendous power. A family that will be in the history books.
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