Article provided by The Princeton Review
Some colleges play it by the book while others might not even have one to play by, but in the end, it's all about how students on campus behave and what they deem acceptable. The Princeton Review's survey of 120,000 college students for the "Best 368 Colleges: 2009 Edition" revealed the top 10 most socially conservative schools. Read excerpts from the students' responses to the survey below.
Some colleges play it by the book while others might not even have one to play by, but in the end, it's all about how students on campus behave and what they deem acceptable. The Princeton Review's survey of 120,000 college students for the "Best 368 Colleges: 2009 Edition" revealed the top 10 most socially conservative schools. Read excerpts from the students' responses to the survey below.
Article provided by The Princeton Review Some colleges play it by the book while others might not even have one to play by, but in the end, it's all about h... more

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Created 07/30/08
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Brigham Young University (Utah)
Provo, Utah
"Because of the nature of BYU as a private institution run by a religious group, the school typically attracts a lot of Latter Day Saint (Mormon) individuals," most of whom are "friendly, clean-cut and religious," with an "emphasis placed on education and social interaction." They "never drink or smoke, work part-time and spend weekends either at the library or trying to find someone to marry." As one student explains, "Because of our religion, many students are very preoccupied with marriage and finding their special someone. This also is hard for those of us who are not yet ready to look for a marriage partner or who don't want to start a family right away." In fact, atypical students -- there are some, "usually distinguishable by the way they dress (they try to stand out)" -- can find it "hard to be around this culture." One student writes, "Sometimes I get really frustrated and don't like how close minded and judgmental a lot of the students can be." Students who considered BYU also looked at University of Utah, Harvard College, Utah State University, Princeton University and Stanford University.
Grove City College
Grove City, Pa.
At GCC, "people are very focused on God. Many are involved in campus ministry groups, and almost everyone attends church on Sundays." As one might suspect at such a place, the kind of fun most students go in for here is of the "good, clean" variety. The dorms at GCC are single sex, but "Intervis (Dorm Intervisitation) is pretty popular." Intervisitation rules are pretty strict; in the words of one student, "Members of the opposite sex can only come to our rooms to hang out during allotted hours on weekends, provided the door is propped open and the lights are on." Alcohol is forbidden on campus, and students who are caught drinking, "whether they're 18 or 35," face strict penalties; the school administration "doesn't take that stuff lightly." Undergrads advise prospective students that at GCC, "There is pressure to find a mate by your senior year, so the opposite sex is often on one's mind." Students who considered Grove City also looked at Wheaton College (IL), Hillsdale College, Penn State -- University Park, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania and Thiel College.
University of Dallas
Irving, Texas
Many students at UD bring a conservative Catholic perspective to their studies, but "a lot of non-Catholics still enjoy this school a great deal." Some are quite religious, others less so; one student writes, "A very small group of students are sometimes so engaged in their religion they wear it like a shiny badge of righteousness, so you might think the school is full of these people, but it is not." For many, coming to UD becomes a family affair; one undergrad explains, "The first person in the family goes to UD, and gets everyone else hooked as well, so all of their younger siblings end up going to UD; several professors know or teach entire families over the years." Students who considered University of Dallas also looked at University of Notre Dame, Southern Methodist University, Trinity University, Austin College and Texas Christian University.
United States Air Force Academy
USAF Academy, Colo.
"Life is incredibly busy" at the Air Force Academy. "If it isn't schoolwork, then you are working out or working on military duties. There is free time, but it is limited and often best used doing schoolwork." It's often not possible for students to leave campus to have fun; one student explains, "As a freshman, you have a certain number of passes to go out. Plus, it's possible to be restricted. If you are on probation (for failing academics, athletics, conduct or honor), you cannot leave [without permission]." Students should note that underage "Drinking on campus is unheard of these days; it's illegal and tightly enforced." Students who considered United States Air Force Academy also looked at United States Naval Academy, United States Coast Guard Academy, United States Merchant Marine Academy and United States Military Academy.
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Ind.
Life at Notre Dame is centered on two things: "residential life" and "sports." The school "does not have any frats or sororities, but campus is not dry, and drinking/partying is permitted within the residence halls." The administration reportedly tries "to keep the parties on campus due to the fact that campus is such a safe place and they truly do care about our safety." Beyond residential life and sports, "religious activities," volunteering, "campus publications, student government and academic clubs round out the rest of ND life." Additionally, according to students, something like, "85 percent of Notre Dame students earned a varsity letter in high school." Students who considered Notre Dame also looked at Stanford University, Princeton University, Duke University, Cornell University, Georgetown University and Northwestern University.
Wheaton College (Ill.)
Wheaton, Ill.
"As cheesy as it sounds, [Wheaton] really is about the integration of faith and learning," students assert, telling us that the school "is a close community of students with the same values and beliefs doing their best to learn and grow closer to each other and to God." Students here don't "drink, smoke or do drugs. Period. (Except for the occasional 21st birthday, and even then they don't get smashed.)" Whatever they're doing, "Whether it's playing games on the dorm floor, going into Chicago with friends or getting involved in campus or church groups," "Life at Wheaton revolves around community." Students who considered Wheaton also looked at Taylor University, Grove City College, Baylor University, Biola University and Westmont College.
United States Military Academy
West Point, N.Y.
Don't come to West Point expecting the typical college experience. As one student explains, "The military atmosphere makes everything different. Teachers are usually commissioned Army officers and strict discipline is maintained within the classroom at all times. Disciplinary actions ensure that students turn in assignments on time, arrive to class on time and do not miss class." Being a military school, it should come as no surprise that things at USMA are "uniform." "Most students are the same," notes a senior. They're "intelligent, athletic, honest and committed to serving in the Army." Students who considered United States Military Academy also looked at United States Air Force Academy and United States Naval Academy.
Texas A&M University -- College Station
College Station, Texas
While "It is true that there is a very large Caucasian population at TAMU," there are also "large numbers of Middle Eastern, Asian and Hispanic students" as well, providing a good deal of diversity on campus. But keep in mind that it's Texas, and it's not Austin, so it should come as no surprise that A&M students tend to be politically conservative. Some point out that "conservative students are probably the most vocal, making it appear our school is more conservative [than it is]. From my experience, most students place themselves in the middle of left and right, making informed decisions when it comes to politics." Students who considered Texas A&M University -- College Station also looked at Rice University, Louisiana State University, Baylor University, Texas Tech University and The University of Texas at Austin.
Furman University
Greenville, S.C.
"Furman kids are often viewed as being rich, white and preppy (sororadorable and frat-tastic are two common terms)," and "While the majority may fit into those categories," there are also "plenty that are outside that spectrum." True, the typical student is still "a southern (probably from Tennessee, Georgia or South Carolina), Protestant Christian of a conservative denomination, athletic, snappily dressed and hard-studying, but not possessing deep intellectual interest in more than a couple of subjects," but the university is working hard to overcome its reputation as a "a school only for conservative, rich, white kids" by "opening up its doors to many different types of people." Students who considered Furman University also looked at Clemson University, Wake Forest University, Davidson College, Elon University and College of Charleston.
United States Merchant Marine Academy
Kings Point, N.Y.
Life at USMMA is rugged and highly regimented. It's especially difficult for first-year students (called "plebes"), who "are on lockdown most of the time" and "who clean everything. Rather than having a janitor service for the barracks, the plebes clean, and if cleaning isn't done well, we get in trouble with the upperclassmen." While many underclassmen jokingly compare the plebe experience to being "in jail," they also praise the way the experience of being a plebe molds character; as one student states, "Plebes have horrible lives to begin with. However, the structure and environment develop great leaders and provide a solid foundation for success." Students who considered United States Merchant Marine Academy also looked at United States Naval Academy, United States Air Force Academy, United States Coast Guard Academy and United States Military Academy.
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