THE TOP TEN People That Need to Resign
They have failed to recognize that government cannot give something to one with out taking from the other, they have kept the electorate uninformed, and they have just plain messed up.
They have failed to recognize that government cannot give something to one with out taking from the other, they have kept the electorate uninformed, and they... more
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Rank (best ever) 18
Score (all time) 2142.00
Created 06/09/09
Views 2088
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California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger:
For cutting the budget and controlling spending in the state. Oops! (See California Special Election) In the modern cultural parlance perhaps instead of writing, resign, I should suggest that you terminate yourself. Hasta La Vista, Baby.
Keith Olbermann:
You’re a waste of airwaves that could be used for quality Liberal thought (Conservatives: I know what you’re thinking. Don’t go there).
Maureen Dowd:
A few weeks ago I wrote that the public needs to step back from your plagiarism admission for a few days and calm down. Time is up. Time has been up. Suggestion: Do your final column on someone from this list then resign together.
Nancy Pelosi:
Maybe the CIA briefings you claimed were phony were given while you and your friends were riding on those air force transports you commandeered. Enough already.
Dick Cheney:
Either announce for 2012 or get off the stage. If the Republicans can’t handle their affairs without you the country doesn’t need the Republicans.
Barney Frank:
I thought nothing could top your involvement in the Banking crisis. But now you’ve added saving car dealerships for your voters.
Neal Boortz:
You didn’t do anything wrong, I just want your job. Note: I didn’t say I could do your job well, just that I want it.
Devotees of American Idle (spelling pun intended), The Bachelor, Bachelorette, Dancing With The Stars, Newest model.
It’s called Life. Try one out for yourself. You might like it.
Norm Coleman and Al Franken:
Yes, I know that Al Franken slithered to victory ahead of Coleman. But do we really need Al Franken in the United States Senate? Find a way to give the Dems the majority they won without seating Franken. Send him back out on the comedy club circuit.
Jimmy Carter:
We voted you ought almost 40 years ago but you keep coming back. Are you making history or a horror movie?
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