People need to get their emotions in check and let the man go.
People need to get their emotions in check and let the man go.

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Rank (best ever) 15
Score (all time) 2537.00
Created 07/11/10
Views 2461
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He doesn't owe Cleveland anything. Get over it.
He's not motivated by money. He could have gone to tons of other teams for more money but he didn't.
He's not motivated by being "the man" or being compared to Jordan, Bird, Magic, Kobe, etc. He's doing his own thing.
"The Decision" ESPN 1-hour special was for the public's benefit. You wanted to hear his final decision out of his own mouth and we got to witness it all. Everyone tuned in, it was a huge deal, and he was professional about it by notifying the media where/when he'd be announcing. He didn't do it for himself. With so many rumors and bullshit information floating around, he did a good thing by making it official, organized, and public. It was for everyone BUT him.
His #1 motivation in his decision was winning. Winning ASAP.
People forget that Kobe was a complete bitch for several years early in his career because he demanded that he be "the man". Don't forget about how many times he's demanded a trade in his career. His hometown of Philly absolutely hates him. He was accused of raping a woman. Now everyone is immediately saying that Lebron will never be as great as Kobe because he chose to go the opposite route and not be "the man" every game? Because he doesn't need to win a championship custom built around him and him alone? Because he's still 25 and too young to be thinking about his "legacy"? Kobe's been consumed by his legacy since day 1. Lebron wants to win championships.
Enough of this bullshit about how only the true legends are the guys who stay with one team their whole careers. Many legends went out like chumps. Jordan played in Washington. Magic had so many failed comebacks with LA and was a total distraction. Shaq is bouncing around the league playing on a different team every season now. Kareem got traded during his career. So who's that leave? Larry Bird? Bill Russel? How is this all of a sudden a criteria for evaluating greatness?
Cleveland wasn't able to get it done in the 7 years they had him. They knew what they had and they took it for granted and simply didn't make it happen. They had their chance to build a championship team and they consistently blew it.
This is his best chance to average a triple double for an entire NBA season. This is something everyone has wanted to see him do.
Just think about how crazy it will be to see if it works in Miami next season. Look forward to an exciting change in the world's greatest sport involving the world's greatest athlete.
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