THE TOP TEN Reasons for External EMAIL Hosting
Many IT departments are evaluating the services they offer to their many clients within the enterprise. One of the challenges they face are how to offer the best of internal support balanced and low prices but balanced against the high costs of software licensing, maintenance and limited budgets.

One of the services which IT departments offer that is the most common denominator in any organization is that of electronic mail. And at least once a year IT departments review the potential benefits of outsourcing their corporate email service to outside entities.
Many IT departments are evaluating the services they offer to their many clients within the enterprise. One of the challenges they face are how to offer the ...  more


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Created 06/25/10
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Author: gborgolivier
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1.Internal disk storage space that was once used for corporate email servers can now be freed up for other applications. Storage previously allocated for email servers can now be freed up for testing, development and existing applications. Hundreds of gigabytes that were once used for email storage can now be opened up for other departments to use thus saving on the cost of purchasing new storage.



2.And the cost of storage can be reduced when the storage is paid for based on volume pricing that has been leveraged by the offsite email offering service providers. Just as a huge retailer can offer volume pricing so can an email service provider’s storage be leveraged



3.As your company’s email storage needs grow it is much easier for an email service provider to provision the storage much more dynamically than when performed using the limited resources and limited storage allocations that can be found in corporate environments



4.And because your storage is located offsite you can negotiate full redundancy at an often lower cost than if your redundant data were being refreshed internally. Most off-site storage facilities are already set up for maintaining a redundant data environment and already have the business processes and policies in place thus allowing them to offer corporate enterprise data redundancy at lower prices than it would cost most internal data centers. In such an environment the offsite center can also configure the email servers in such a way that incoming email is routed to the primary server and then replicated to the backup or standby server so that a fresh backup copy of email is always current with the most recent data



5.Maintenance and support costs can also be trimmed from the current IT budget as those costs can be reduced by leveraging the system administration expertise of the administrators in the external hosting data center



6.By using an offsite email hosting provider IT managers can specify a service level agreement (SLA) which requires that only the most recent virus and anti-spam software is kept running and upgraded to ensure the highest level of protection for their clients. This SLA can also remove the need for installing and maintaining in-house email solutions



7.External email host providers allow the IT department to focus on other projects such as their own internal support. By outsourcing your email services to an external email host provider your IT resources are freed up to work on more revenue generating related applications. It is one less administration concern that an IT department had to worry about



8.With an external email hosting service all the infrastructure costs and hardware associated therein are also reduced. Cabling, switches, routers, etc, all the networking infrastructure is already in place and can be utilized from day one without the need for additional costs



9.Planning is still a big component of creating an email hosting environment but the time it takes to go from concept into production is often minimized. Most often the servers, operating systems and software are already in place and can be tailored to represent your company’s interests and ready to go in a very short amount of time



10.Email hosting providers always have the latest spam and virus protection. Eliminate the complexities of installing and maintaining an in-house email solution. Email hosting offers the latest anti-spam, anti-virus and security technologies. It is also supported 24/7/365 by a live team of technicians


[source: The Email Admin ]

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