With Stoptober been and gone, how many of us have managed to kick the habit for good? If you are still struggling, here are 10 important reasons why quitting smoking is a good idea.
With Stoptober been and gone, how many of us have managed to kick the habit for good? If you are still struggling, here are 10 important reasons why quitting... more

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Created 11/21/12
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Live for longer
It is a fact that smoking shortens your life expectancy thanks to an increased risk of cancer, heart disease and many other serious health conditions. But from the first day you quit, your body will begin to heal itself and, eventually, function like someone who's never smoked. Over the course of months or years, quitting smoking can return your lungs to their original condition.
Save money
An average packet of cigarettes now set you back a whopping £7.46. Smoke a pack a day, and that's over £2700 a year spent on your habit. Why not make a list of things you could buy with the money you would save by quitting smoking? It could spur you on to cut back if not give up completely.

Reduce your risk of impotence
Cigarettes have been blamed for the impotence of 120,000 young men, 1,200 cervical cancers, up to 5,000 miscarriages and for many couples' fertility problems. If you want to start a family, then giving up could be the most important step you take,

Smell better
That nasty smell of stale smoke will no longer follow you around in your clothes, your hair, your car and your house.

Fewer wrinkles
Smoking can speed up the normal aging process of your skin, contributing to wrinkles. These skin changes may occur after only 10 years of smoking. The more cigarettes you smoke and the longer you smoke, the more skin wrinkling you're likely to have!
Look after those around you
Almost one in every 100 deaths worldwide is linked to breathing in second-hand smoke, according to a major World Health Organization study. By quitting, not only will you improve your own health but also that of your family.
Improved fitness
It is a well-known fact that smoking reduces fitness. It does this in a number of ways, chiefly by reducing the amount of oxygen available in the body. Since oxygen plays a major role in energy production, even a minor depletion has an impact on physical performance. See if your private health insurance policy offers discounted gym membership to get started on a fitness regime.

Lower insurance premiums
Being a smoker will significantly increase many of your insurance premiums, particularly life insurance. To be considered a non smoker you have to go for a minimum of 12 months tobacco free, so give up today to save more money in the future.
Improved sense of taste
Everything will taste better when you quit smoking because smokers have fewer and flatter taste buds.

Feel better about yourself
You will no longer berate yourself because of your habit, or be relegated to a smoker's area. Quitting smoking will improve your mental and physical health.
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