You know, I’ve heard a lot of different opinions on twitter. Personally, I love it. I’ve heard the “stalker” complex with it and I’ve heard that it’s not as “fun” as other social networking sites (ie – Facebook and MySpace). I’ve been twittering for about 9 months now and here are my top 10 reasons to twitter:
You know, I’ve heard a lot of different opinions on twitter. Personally, I love it. I’ve heard the “stalker” complex with it and I’ve heard that it’s not as ... more

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Everyone has a story and everyone deserves to tell their story. Whether it be by writing notes on Facebook, Tweeting on Twitter or Blogging on WordPress… Tell it!
Since with Twitter, you can only use 140 Characters, you can’t write a book or a “Top 10 List”. You can just tell people what you’re thinking, Twitter was started with this question, “What’s On Your Mind?”, so answer it.
People like @pwilson make twitter awesome! He’s the Pastor at Cross Point Church in Nashville. He’s got a huge church and ministry and yet, he seems like a regular guy on twitter. Twitter allows you to get to know people much larger than you like @michaelhyatt and his wife @gailhyatt. Michael Hyatt is the CEO of Thomas Nelson in Nashville. They recently took a trip to Ethiopia and it was awesome to read their tweets from Ethiopia.
RT’s or Re-tweets are AWESOME. They allow you to “re-tweet” (hence the name) what someone else has already tweeted and it gives them the credit for it. This is good when it comes to bible verse, quotes or even just what someones thinking.
Many Companies, Retail Businesses, News Channels and even Churches have gotten in on twitter. Which is great! They update you on big promotions are on sales. Churches like @fbcjax many times will let you know what’s for dinner at church on Wednesday Night or what the message is going to be talking about on Sunday. Even @BaskinRobbins does “Twitter Trivia” and if you’ve the first to reply to it, they’ll send you a coupon in the mail for a Free Ice Cream Cone.
There are a lot of Life Coaches and SEO’s on Twitter. I still don’t really know what an SEO is. I just found out the other day that SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization… So I guess that’s a good thing, right?
It can be done from anywhere. Whether you use text, TwitterBerry, Twitter for iPhone, etc. It’s a very versatile way to keep in touch with people and here’s the best part, you choose how much or how little you put on twitter.
Tweetdeck is a must if you’re going to “tweet” right. For those of you who don’t know what tweetdeck is, it’s a real-time application that you can download on mac or pc. It allows you to look at your friend’s tweets, all replies to you and your DM’s at the same time. It also allows you to sync to even your facebook statuses as well.
Twitpic is the greatest invention ever. Now, I’m not downing yfrog and some of the others, but i love the concept. You can be anywhere in the world and snap a pic and it’s up. To me – that’s just great.
Networking is getting easier and easier in today’s time and twitter is leading the frontier. It’s easy to find people who are just like you and not only that, they talk to you. It’s not like on a “fan” page on facebook, where you post something and never hear back.
[source: Jack's Words - Top 10 Reasons to Twitter ]
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