One of the latest online web marketing tools includes the use of social bookmarking sites. Social bookmarking lets users organize and manage online information by using an online bookmark. As users bookmark various sites and references and share these with a like-minded community that shares common interests. These social bookmarking sites can be a very important tool for online marketing as it is an easy way to share the information from your own website, or from related websites. Social bookmarking communities are a great resource for sharing your own information across a wide user base as well as networking with others within your own niche. Bookmarks do not just happen by themselves; it takes purposeful action and strategies to make the most out of this online marketing tool. Here are the top ten social bookmarking strategies. To read more about social media marketing check out,
One of the latest online web marketing tools includes the use of social bookmarking sites. Social bookmarking lets users organize and manage online informat... more

less stats more stats3.22
Rank (best ever) 27
Score (all time) 438.00
Created 04/22/12
Views 388
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Bookmark any new content as soon as it is added to your site or blog.
Stay active in your bookmarking community to establish credibility.
Don’t just read other’s posts; comment, vote and rate other participant’s posts.
Include social bookmarking buttons on your own blog or website.
Always allow other users to rate bookmarks and post comments.
Sign up for as many bookmarking sites as you can reasonably handle.
Always complete the profile information completely on a bookmarking site, make sure that you include a picture.
Add information from more than just your site; bookmark other sites with pertinent information.
Use the same profile picture on each bookmarking site to help with branding.
Make sure all the tags used on the site are relevant.
[source: Social bookmarking community ]
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