Any journey can be stressful if you're not fully prepared and organised, especially train journeys. Here are our top 10 ways to ensure you have the perfect train journey, wherever you're going.
Any journey can be stressful if you're not fully prepared and organised, especially train journeys. Here are our top 10 ways to ensure you have the perfect t... more

Plan your day effectively and be organised
The key to having a stress-free journey is to be organised. Make sure you know what time you need to be at the train station and make sure you know where you're going once you've reached your destination.

Bring snacks
The food on trains is very limited and can often be very expensive, especially if it's a long train journey. You don't want to be spending huge amounts of money on several cups of coffee.
Instead, fill up the thermos with coffee, pack some sweets and make yourself a sandwich. You can use the money you've saved once you get to your destination.

Book in advance and get money off your ticket
Use a train journey planner to book your train tickets the easiest way and try to book as far in advance as possible to take advantage of the best deals.

Keep the kids entertained
Kids can be a nightmare on trains, they are stuck in a confined space with nowhere to go and they're only allowed to make a certain amount of noise. To avoid annoying other passengers and to save your sanity make sure you bring things to entertain the kids.
We'd suggest electronic games consoles, colouring books and perhaps a portable DVD player for longer journeys.
Keep yourselves entertained
There is nothing worse than being badgered by the passenger sitting next to you, sometimes it's nice to have a bit of peace and quiet on the train. If this sounds like you we'd suggest booking a first class train ticket or looking at the quiet cabin.
Bring your kindle and put your headphones it, the time will fly by!
Book using a railcard
If you're eligible for a railcard we'd seriously suggest you get yourself one as it can save you a huge amount of money on train travel, up to a third off the price of the ticket!

Shop around
To ensure you have the perfect train journey you want to know you've got a deal on your train tickets right? Most people use the same website to book their tickets every time.
We'd suggest shopping around, check out a number of different online train ticket suppliers and compare prices. Depending on the route, some tickets might be cheaper with specific operators.

Think about who you're travelling with
If you're travelling alone remember that no one is there to watch your bags when you nip to the loo so we'd suggest putting a little lock on your bag, just in case.
Keep yourself informed
If you're on a particularly long train journey you might feel a little out of touch with reality. Some trains have free wifi so take advantage of this and keep up to date. Alternatively get yourself a newspaper before you get on the train to keep up to date with recent news.

The less you panic, the less stressed out you'll get and the more you'll enjoy your train journey. Sit back, relax and let the train get you to your destination.
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