So many business owners today think that all they have to do is publish a website and it will do all the work! Not true. You have to have a strategy to make that website work FOR you - to make it your best sales tool.
So how do you do that? Here are 10 tips to make the Internet your most powerful sales tool and work for you 24/7/365
So how do you do that? Here are 10 tips to make the Internet your most powerful sales tool and work for you 24/7/365
So many business owners today think that all they have to do is publish a website and it will do all the work! Not true. You have to have a strategy to make ... more

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Created 08/05/12
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Spend money on a decent website.
Don't find the cheapest site around or the cheapest company to do it for you. Remember that you get what you pay for. That does not mean you have to spend thousands of dollars. In reality, you can get a decent website built for under $500 and it looks professional, sleek and the search engines will love it.
List your website everywhere you can that's free.
That includes online directories (such as, social media sites, forums and more. Those backlinks will help you get ranked well with the search engines.
Create a Facebook Fan Page for your company.
With 850 million people (more or less) on facebook, its almost a certaintly that someone will look for you there. Be there or be square. After all, your competition is or will be.
4 Add "like" buttons to your website ...
...your blog and other online presence to promote your business on Facebook.
Create a professional presence on LinkedIn.
USE it. Post your qualifications and more importantly post how you can help your target market by reaching them where they are already hanging out.
Submit your business to Google places
(if you have a physical address people can actually go to hire you or do business with you - if you work from home, don't do this unless you want your doorbell to ring at odd hours). Be sure and join Google Plus. Although some experts think it is going to slowly disappear, as long as its here and free, take advantage.
Use free tools such as Animoto to create short videos about your company
Upload them to Youtube, mention them on Facebook and post them on your blog. What no blog? #9 is to start a blog. Better yet, create that website using Wordpress and you have a built-in blog and the ability to take advantage of all the features a blog can offer.
Start an email campaign ...
... using the lists you currently have. Send out an email promotion once or twice a month, with a link to your special offer.
Create a Grassroots marketing campaign
Tell your friends, family and everyone you know (incuding yoru family and friends), that you have a website. Ask them to visit it and more importantly to tell their friends and circles of influence.
Build your list by creating something for free ...
... that your target audience would value and would give you their name and email just to get. Use a service like aweber to capture the names and emails and create a system to stay in touch with them.
[source: Redhead Marketing ]
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