A Top Ten list created by two writers at The Not-So-Blog while waiting in ridiculous lines to buy a 10 dollar fake hamster for their 4 year olds. https://www.thenotsoblog.com/2009/11/how-to-find-zhu-zhu/
A Top Ten list created by two writers at The Not-So-Blog while waiting in ridiculous lines to buy a 10 dollar fake hamster for their 4 year olds. https://www... more

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Created 11/12/09
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Roll into your local Wal Mart or Target inside of a big inner tube, much like a hamster on a wheel. See if that impresses the manager enough for him/her to show you the secret stash.
Stuff your mouth with as many acorns as you can hold. Go straight to the toy deparment and demand a Zhu Zhu or you will swallow the acorns right then and there.
Show up in a hamster costume and tell the manager you have been sent by the people at Zhu Zhu to be the mascot for the day. You need to be paid in hamsters. Cold, hard hamsters. No, not dead hamsters. That’s another post entirely.
Run to the pet store and buy at least a dozen real hamsters. Bring them on over to the toy store and threaten to let them loose unless your demands are met.
Declare that by the toy store holding the hamsters hostage, they are committing a very serious crime against nature. Threaten to call PETA. Convince fellow line members to chant “Free the Zhu Zhu!” repeatedly for maximum effect.
According to @ToysRUs on Twitter, if you scream, “I LOVE GEOFFERY!” three times, the manager *may* move you to the front of the line. Or you *may* be escorted off the premises by security.
Wear a Geoffery costume and claim to be a store employee hired for the day to manage the crowd. After all, you ARE there to “turn their frown upside down!”
Formally change your name to “Num Nums” or “Mr. Squiggles.” Claim the Zhu Zhu pets are blood relatives and you have been awarded full custody.
Find the Santa at your local Mall. Tell kids in line that instead of cookies and milk, Santa has requested Pipsqueak. Be an elf for the day and collect “payment.”
Blackmail. Tell the store manager that unless he awards you with NumNums, you WILL scream out that he “keeps hamsters in his pants!” That oughta do it.
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