Displaying entries 41 - 50 of 2406 in total

things I don't need to know via Twitter
- 10. That you are back from Wal*Mart.
- 9. That you are now following me and 20,000 of your closest friends....
- 8. That you cleaned your barn with a leaf blower.
- Score: 2.33
- Comments

Top 10 List to Improve Your Child's Memory
- 10. * SYN-NAPS: Neurotransmitters, brain transport proteins, needed for...
- 9. * PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT: Information from each of the senses is...
- 8. * MENTAL MANIPULATION FOR LONG-TERM MEMORY: Once the information gets...
- Score: 2.48
- Comments

twitters worth following
- 10. nappydjneedles
- 9. cafesoulstl
- 8. kcweeden
- Score: 1.42
- Comments
- Score: 1.57
- Comments

Oldest Currently Registered Domains
- 10. 03/05/1986; BELLCORE.COM
- 9. 03/03/1986; HP.COM
- 8. 01/17/1986; SRI.COM
- Score: 1.42
- Comments

Greatest South Park Characters Of All Time
- 10. Big Gay Al
- 9. Mr. Hankey
- 8. Saddam Hussein
- Score: 4.29
- Comments

Weird Scholarships
- 10. Vegetarian Resource Group Scholarship
- 9. Little People of America Scholarship
- 8. National Ice Cream Retailers Scholarships
- Score: 2.44
- Comments

Green Books of 2008
- 10. Jonathan Rosen - The Life of the Skies: Birding at the end of nature
- 9. James Howard Kunstler - World Made By Hand
- 8. Bill McKibben (editor) - American Earth: Environmental Writing Since...
- Score: 1.86
- Comments

Annoying Phrases You Hear at Work
- 10. Fill the Pipeline
- 9. Ramp up
- 8. On the fence
- Score: 6.65
- Comments