THE TOP TEN Benefits from Employers
It's a fact of our life that we have to work our way through it. Some manage to secure a job that they really want; for others it's something they get through to earn an income. Employee satisfaction is something that is being taken with increasing importance and there are a variety of different -- and sometimes unusual -- benefits employers can offer to maintain their employees' happiness and well-being.
It's a fact of our life that we have to work our way through it. Some manage to secure a job that they really want; for others it's something they get throug... more
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Created 08/06/12
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Google Offices
The first one doesn't fall under a particular benefit, but I'm sure we've all heard of Google Offices and the delights they offer. Slides between floors, employees getting around by scooter, themed break rooms, hammocks -- the list of quirky extras are endless. Even if you think it all pretentious or unnecessary, you can't say you wouldn't want to work there!
Shopping at Work
In 2009 Microsoft opened The Commons in the centre of their building, a complex of fourteen restaurants, shops and even a football field. No doubt a benefit for the employees...but a sinister undertone of the employees not needing to leave the work buildings...
Pet sitting
Worried about leaving your furry companion all alone all day? Especially if you work long or varied hours? Well, one company offered pet sitting for their employees, stemming their worries about their loved animals, and even provide pet insurance for vet costs.
New Mother Buddies
One company set up a scheme to pair expectant mothers with recent mothers within their staff. The two would be given time to build their relationship and the expectant mother would have the help and experience of the recent mother to help her through. The scheme also created support to help the women back into work following their maternal leave (of up to six months).
All You Can Eat
Some companies go beyond the generic tea and coffee and provide a number of snacks for their employees. Providing ample amounts of toast, fruit and other snackable items keeps up the staff's strength in order to perform their job.
Health Benefits
Health is a very important factor for people and even the most thrifty employer should understand that its in their best interests to have employees that are fit and healthy both physically and mentally. In this way many offer health insurance or health cash plans for their employees.
Gym Membership
Related to health is this particular benefit. With jobs increasingly moving inside and onto desks and computers, people may not be moving around and being as active as they should. Sitting down all day can also lead to posture, muscle and nerve problems. A subsidised gym membership, then, can really be a bonus to an employee.
Weekly Perks
Offering a weekly treat can make for a nice routine and creates something that staff can look forward to. Some offices which otherwise have a formal dress code might have a 'casual Friday', while others may offer a beer at the end of the week to see in the weekend.
All Work and No Play
With work taking up a large amount of our daily hours, it can seem like all our time is spent there leaving no time for other things. Some employers understand this striving for a work/life balance and can offer early finishes on certain days, or have a period of reduced hours.
And what else could be more motivating than plain old money? But if it's in reward for doing good work, it is also a very nice feeling to know that you have been noticed and appreciated. Bonuses can be helpful financially, but it can also boost morale.
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