2013 is upon us and we will have hopefully recovered from the excesses of the festive period. Now is a perfect time to take stock of where you are and where you would like to go. Being healthy is a huge part of that so we have put together ten things you should consider heading into the new year.
2013 is upon us and we will have hopefully recovered from the excesses of the festive period. Now is a perfect time to take stock of where you are and where ... more

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Created 01/08/13
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Doctors Appointment
The doctors is something that many of us put off doing until it is necessary. Why not break the mould and go get a check up
Eye Test
Quite often overlooked, taking a regular eye test will help ensure that your eyes are being looked after and any damage can be treated quickly. So make sure to book a trip to the opticians in 2013
Heading into the new year full of positivity can be helped along by ensuring that you are eating well. Having a balanced diet will help keep you energised for all that 2013 can throw at you.
Excercise Regime
The new year is a great time to start a new exercise regime, the difficult part is sticking to it. Don't overdo it, and make sure you monitor your goals.

Financial Evaluation
Time for a look at the bank balance, for some it makes for very bad viewing but if you can face up to it and fix in your head how to get out of any debt you may have then you will feel very positive.
Set Goals
Perhaps the most important activity to do is think about what you want to achieve in 2013. Don't just let it pass you by and before you know it we are in 2014.

Spring Clean
Clean space, calm mind and this is true. Take an afternoon to clean out any junk that may be cluttering up your house/flat and enjoy the new found openness.
Wrap up 2012
Any plans that were running over 2012 should be finished with now, wrap up anything that you can and stop these plans from taking over 2013 too.
Look to 2013 to get in touch with those people that you never quite got round to catching up with in 2012. Letters, emails, face book any way is great to say hello.
Keep A Goals Diary
For all the amazing and awesome goals you will be hitting this year you really should be taking note of all that you achieve so that when the end of the year comes round you can look back and be proud of what you have done or at least see where you need to work on for next year.
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