With frugal being the new Fendi and saving being the new sexy, many bloggers, writers and finance gurus are coming out with their own signature line of Saving Tips. Now I’m all for personalized style and being unique, however some people are taking frugality to a new extreme. The following are some tips that have made the “Fabulous & Financially Savvy Top Ten Trashy (Not Classy) Ways to Save” list:
With frugal being the new Fendi and saving being the new sexy, many bloggers, writers and finance gurus are coming out with their own signature line of Savin... more

Do you travel? Collect the free soap bars, shampoo bottles and shower caps from hotels. They make great stocking stuffers at Christmas.
Don’t throw out those old boxer shorts! Recycle them as dishrags.
Separate the Two-Ply.
Don’t eat on a Monday.
Save your soap slivers. You can mush them together into a new bar.
Why go to the car wash? Save money by using the free squeegees and paper towels at the gas station.
Make love standing up. Keep your feet in the exact same spot every time. Less wear and tear on your bed means you won’t have to replace the mattress as often.
Rub pine needles under your arms instead of buying deodorant.
Take extra napkins from fast food restaurants to save on toilet paper.
Stuff your pockets with free ketchup, salt or any other condiments you can get everytime you’re in a fast food restaurant. Then go home and squeeze them out into regular jars.
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