What is my definition of a Chick Flick? I guess it’s a movie that is more widely received by women than men, that is sometimes romantic, though not always, and often incites things that for the most part only women would laugh or cry at. Here is a list of my personal top ten list. Feel free to add your own or debate mine!
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You can also go to www.moviemobsters.com for a full list with pictures and descriptions.
What is my definition of a Chick Flick? I guess it’s a movie that is more widely received by women than men, that is sometimes romantic, though not always, ... more

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Rank (best ever) 23
Score (all time) 3007.00
Created 07/23/09
Views 2937
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Ever After
I never felt susceptible to the fairy tale romances or the princess tales girls were supposed to when I was a kid, or an adult. To me, romance was the action hero making out with the hot chick he saved at the end of the movie, and so since then, I’ve associated romance with things blowing up or science fiction. My personal favorite romances have been Sarah Connor and Kyle Reece or Ellen Ripley and Duane Hicks (so I have a thing for Michael Biehn ), and have seldom understood romance without explosions and lives being in peril. That being said, Ever After was just the fairy tale I’d always dreamed of. I could watch this movie six times a day and never get tired of it and beyond that it actually makes me wistful. Sure the idea that the “princess” doesn’t quite need saving, but the “prince” still tries to save her is appealing, but the relationship that develops between Barrymore and Scott is so entirely natural, it is the only time I can remember wanting to be in one of those movies and be the characters. I can’t even dignify that this as my choice for number one is rational, only that it is without question my personal favorite. It’s romantic without trying to make me cry, but also adventurous, clever, with three dimensional characters, and a romance that doesn’t feel like it’s trying to manipulate you. I simply LOVE this Ever After.
Beaches is the epitome of chick flick. It’s a movie guys of all stations don’t get. Women generally watch it together (I haven’t watched it in years simply because I didn’t want to watch it alone) and it is nearly guaranteed to become a tear-fest . Though it has all the stereotypical qualities to it, it has levels of depth and genuine connections between the characters that make it not just a “chick flick”, but a great movie as well. Though there is clearly tragedy looming in the future, the blooming of the friendship between Midler and Hershey is infectious and literally impossible not to get caught up in. Threw their drama, their fights, and the depths of their friendship that stands the test of time, it only has one final test to make. With the powerful voice of Bette Midler to be the voice of the films pathos….hysterics are inevitable for any of us gals that’s ever had a friend they loved so dearly.
Steel Magnolias
I’m likely to claim on many occasions that this film is in fact NOT a chick flick, but a very moving drama. However, the general consensus disagrees with me, and so I will add this film that I adore on so many different levels to my list. I’ve had the pleasure of watching this film as a young daughter, and a mother, and one day will be able to with the perspective of someone in their Golden years. I’ve seen it easily a dozen times or more, usually with a few years grace period in between and each time it’s just as resounding and fresh upon each viewing. The impact of the humor and drama is a relentless emotional roller coaster, that’s secret is in it’s genuine deliveries by the actresses involved, but also the spectacular compilation of the film. The performances of the actresses will have you laughing so hard you cry and breaking your heart enough times that you will cry. This and Beaches are the only films that have me in complete and utter hysterics each time I watch, and I assure you I’m not acrier , especially while watching movies. Steel Magnolias is probably in my top twenty favorite films of all time, and has a tender place in my heart.
When Harry Met Sally
The ultimate question that still plagues men and women today is, “Can men and women be friends?” According to Billy Crystals character Harry Burns they can’t. The rest of the film reels from that initial statement, till the unforgettable ending. What is so brilliant about When Harry Met Sally is it appeals to both sexes by telling each side of the story and giving both perspectives to the one event that confuses even the most level headed of us: relationships. Not only does it tell each side of the story, but it is truly a perfect combination of romance and humour. There is nothing flashy about this story and there aren’t really any crazy ups and downs or outrageous conflict between the main characters. It very naturally describes the lives of two friends and their failed relationships over the years. When they shake hands in the beginning and make the pact to be “just friends” they drive the platonic wedge between them that holds for many years. In the end they found that no one knows each other better than each other, and after knowing all the good and the bad they still like each other and want to spend every moment with each other, and that is the most romantic thing in the world. Tears of laughter plague the majority of the film, but by the end there is no shame in crying at the genuine sweetness and honesty that is, When Harry Met Sally.
The Wedding Singer
It might be an Adam Sandler movie, and though Sandler is known for his more offensive humor, he hit a home run with The Wedding Singer in the category of romance and comedy. A perfect balance of sweetness, genuine adoration between the main characters, and comedy make this film one of a kind. As predictable as the plot may be, you don’t ever have the sense that you are being manipulated because of the authentic performances bySandler and Barrymore. Each display a truly human vulnerability showing the fears of love, and the anxiety of losing love, while making you laugh as often as it makes your heart tingle. Because of it’sambiguity in the romance and comedy, it really does have appeal to both men as well as women. The Wedding Singer is by far one of my personal favorites when it comes to romantic comedies, and definitely a favorite on this “chick flick” list.
Titanic really focused on the historical accuracies, but the heart of the story was focused around the romance of Jack and Rose, played by Kate and Leo, who had some of the most gripping chemistry ever put on screen. The two of them played their roles with such dedication and honesty that Jack and Kate really came alive, and their affection for one another became palpable to anyone watching. The irrationality of their behavior, and the risks taken to share the love they developed in only hours is the kind of romance that just isn’t in movies anymore. In the most dire of situations, in the most intense way, their love was tested, but never conquered. In fact, it was only strengthened. The circumstances were certainly extraordinary, but so was their passion for one another. It is surely one of the greatest love stories of all time.
Pretty Woman
Putting this film in perspective is trying to summarize it in one sentence, and suddenly it seems impossible that it could possibly be a wonderful romantic movie. The fact that the hooker with a heart of gold finds her millionaire prince and lives happily ever after and the concept actually works says a lot about how great Pretty Woman actually is. A large basis of it’s appeal to me is the relationship that develops between two broken lonely people, but how interesting each of the character’s are individually . The circumstances for their relationship are not necessarily realistic, but that is an accepted reality five minutes in because they are so compelling. There is kinetic energy between Gere and Roberts that has only been made together a few times before and since. This is a movie that makes me laugh and smile with genuine affection at the films resolve.
Terms Of Endearment
This is another film that I wouldn’t necessarily put in the category of “chick flick” but it has so often been referred to as one that I’m including it on my list, partially because of the mother/daughter relationship focused on, but also because it’s such a brilliant piece of cinema. It has direct appeal to women because it’s nucleus is centered around the mother/daughter relationship of Shirley McLaine and Debra Winger. The audience gets to see life after marriage from the daughters perspective and from the mother, who soon becomes the grandmother. Each character is deeply empathetic, and while they seem at odds with each other so very often, the unconditional love each has for the other cannot be denied. When the final scenes arrive they are as powerful as they are, because all along women could relate to having that kiss and hug/yell and fight relationship with our mothers, and we all know it doesn’t mean we don’t love each other. It’s a very honest movie that has some very keen insight into the mother/daughter relationship and it’s execution is what makes it such a great movie, and the fact that only mothers or daughters are going to truly comprehend it’s tragedy is what makes it a “chick flick”, though a darn good one.
Fried Green Tomatoes
This sits here on my list because it’s careful insight into the relationship of two women, and what they do for each other when faced with adversity and obstacles seemingly impossible to overcome. These two women become best friends at a young when tragedy strikes ones brother and the others love. They find solace in one another and from that point on become as close as two women can become. The bond they share is something words can’t describe, and can only be perceived threw their devotion to one another. The relationship ofIdgie and Ruth inspiring Evelyn to take control of her life is again, one of those things that it takes a woman to fully understand and appreciate, where a man can unfortunately only sympathize. This movie will make you laugh and break your heart. I adore it.
Sleepless In Seattle
Sleepless In Seattle isn’t a chick flick that I watch over and over again with pounds of ice cream, popcorn, in pajamas with a room full of other women and ball my eyes out at the sweetness of it’s new age twist on “old” romance. It is however a film that I truly enjoyed and feel has almost gotten a bad rap for being the scapegoat title for all films in the “chick flick” category. It is without question geared to tug at the heartstrings of women, but for a date night movie it’s not a bad watch for the guys. Tom Hanks is great, and relatable, and Meg Ryan has never looked more beautiful, so what’s not to love? There is actually a lot of complexity to this story, that has a real melancholy undertone even though it is comes across as a film about hope. There are a lot of layers to Sleepless In Seattle that may not be appreciated properly. This is a really great movie, no matter what genre you toss it in.
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